Top 5 Attractions in Disneyland Park


The original park in the U.S that was a dream of Walt Disney's is full of great attractions! As someone who frequents Disney World, I was surprised to see the differences between the rides that exist in both theme parks. And there are some rides that are only in Disneyland, so without further ado, here are my top 5 attractions in Disneyland Park. I tried to focus on attractions that were different or not in DisneyWorld!

Honorable Mention: Its a Small World. I loved the showcase building and the Disney character dolls. 

1. Indiana Jones Adventure. Its just Dinosaur from Animal Kingdom (same track), but its so much better!

2. Space Mountain. Its so much better at Disneyland, I said what I said.

3. Matterhorn Bobsleds. Its much more like Space Mountain in Disneyworld than the one in Disneyland, but its really fun!

4. Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. If you get claustrophobic, this is not for you but there is an option for those on the side just let a cast member know. This is so cute with the characters and actually being underwater is cool.

5. Storybook Land Canal Boats. This is the cutest ride ever. They have miniature versions of castles and houses!

Don't forget I am a travel agent who would love to help book you next magical vacation to Disneyland today! Fill out my booking form for Disneyland here, or you can even do California here if you wanted to do other things in Cali during your trip! Follow me here on Facebook, here on Instagram, here on TikTok, and here is my page on my travel company website with all my links. You can reach out to me on my socials or email me here


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